Senior Relationship Manager

RNF No: CLX300563910
MDRT, Associate Estate Planning Practitioner (AEPPⓇ)

My name is Clive! This is just a little sharing about what inspired me to become an Independent Financial Adviser.

Sandwich generation – a term that I first saw in a movie’s advertisement. This refers to a generation of Singaporeans who are financially responsible for their own children, as well as their elderly parents. Growing up, I saw my mother being the breadwinner of three kids and two elderly parents all alone. Piling on the financial burdens with stress at work, it was awe-inspiring how she did it. Unfortunately, this came with a price. Press a sandwich hard enough and the fillings will flatten or flow out.

April 2019, I was at work when I received a call from my mum’s slurred voice. She was having a stroke. Two mild strokes: one after the other. Her memory and brain function quickly deteriorated, impacting work performance, eventually resulting in her salary being cut by half.

And yet, the only insurance claim was for the hospital bills in Belgium and Singapore. There wasn’t a single dollar claims’ compensation from the more than 40 insurance policies that she bought from a senior elderly agent over the years. The stroke was considered to be mild, and not severe, hence unable to be compensated by the critical illness insurance policies. Early critical illness policies that would have provided some coverage are considered to be a top priority in building the foundations of proper financial planning. This coverage allows for proper rest and recovery, before rejoining the workforce at full health.

‘My children are my retirement plan.’ or ‘I don’t plan on retiring.’ Sometimes, retirement isn’t a choice. And if you do retire while relying on your children, it may have an impact on their financial situation. Plan ahead while you can, to have a happy golden years of your life.

I believe that situations like these could happen to anyone, and I am concerned. Which is why I took the plunge and am now a financial advisor. To ensure that people in Singapore are properly covered, in terms of protection and retirement planning, if it is to be, it is up to me.



When I heard that Clive was going into insurance, i knew he would make a great agent and approached him. Back in our uni days, he has always been hardworking, meticulous, and very socially responsible. Within a week, Clive (very organised as usual) explained the available plans, pros/cons, and its suitability clearly and concisely; and followed up by settling all the daunting administrative work. My journey with him has been and still is a very efficient and enjoyable ride. I would definitely recommend him to anyone that’s looking for an agent!
Ms Tan
Phd Student
After working with an IFA, I realised that it's useful to get a comparison of the various financial products on the market. Concurrently, an IFA can provide you additional advice depending on your objectives. I had a pleasant experience working with Clive. Prior to recommending products, he took the effort to review my existing policies and understand my financial needs first. Whenever I had queries, he was also responsive and patient. He is a dedicated IFA and would update me regularly on the progress and follow-ups required. I am very grateful that he went the extra mile to help me settle my various policies. Would definitely recommend Clive if you need help with financial planning.
Ms Dionne
Civil Servant
Having known Clive for many years, naturally I went to him when I had to take up a mortgage. Have always known Clive to be level headed and financially savvy. So I leaned heavily on him when I was making my biggest purchase (my new flat) of my life. He did a very good job of assessing my finances which in turn soothed my jittery nerves of the purchase. It would have been a huge nightmare without him. Also, very good suggestions on investments from Clive. He acts on the interests of me, whatever works better for me, and not how much commission can he get. He always reassures me, “whatever is comfortable for you!
Ms Kris
Executive Admin
Clive is very passionate about his job. He makes sure that I, who is completely new to the scene, understand exactly what various policies entail and explains the pros and cons very clearly. Clive keeps in regular contact, so is often up to date with my situation. Clive is always concerned with what's best for us and also within our present circumstance. I will always feel that my needs are being prioritised. Clive’s solid expertise and meticulous client care even extends to helping me look out for my family. I'm positive that Clive's genuine efforts will touch you too, as he works, with you, to ensure your well-being is well insured.
Mr Ong
Clive definitely walk me through by giving me his best knowledge and ability to plan my financial wisely. He helps me to understand the importance of planning my retirement fund so that I don’t have to work so hard as I get older. He definitely have the best listening ear to hear me out and gives me his advice. I could trust this person with no doubt. He is definitely the most wonderful person I ever met. 🙂
Ms Ivy
Social Work Associate
I benefited hugely from Clive's support as an FA for both insurance and investments. Previously, I was paying a much higher premium for an insurance policy that had a lower coverage due to medical loading. Having spoken to Clive about it, he took the effort to do the research and submitted multiple applications to various companies to get me an insurance policy that had more coverage at a lower price. As I was planning for my investments, I naturally approached Clive for advice as I knew he would be able to offer an unbiased opinion and suggest what would be best for me. True enough, he came up with a portfolio which fit my lifestyle and investment goals, while making sure I was comfortable with it. Huge kudos to Clive for being such a reliable FA and friend, thank you! Would definitely recommend anyone to reach out to Clive for his professionalism, conscientiousness and genuine care for his clients.
Ms Yew
Data Analyst
I’m truly very fortunate that Clive joined the industry, because now I can have him as my adviser! He is someone who genuinely cares about the people he crosses paths with. He takes the time and effort to understand our needs, and makes sure we are comfortable with the policies we are getting. Financial planning and insurance became so much simplier to work on, with him around. Above all, I know he’s someone who has my back, and I’m positive he will have yours too.
Ms Loh
Group Resourcing Partner
Clive has been an excellent agent and friend who is very dependable from day one. Never failed to clear any doubts I have and always ready to lend a helping hand. Knowledgeable and friendly, I know I'm in good hands when Clive is my advisor. Keep it up Clive!
Mr Terrence
I have known Clive for close to 10 years already and fully trust that he has my best interest at heart. As I have been working for 3 years without any insurance coverage except for my work plan, I approached Clive to help me plan for my insurance coverage. The whole process from start till finish was super smooth and quick, with Clive helping me in deciding promptly the types of insurance coverage i needed based on my profile and my needs. He gave me the necessary information and also went above and beyond to help in checking in with the insurance company on certain medical coverage issues that I might possibly have and also giving me suggestions on what my next steps can be while also looking for other alternative companies for me. He is meticulous and responsible in his work and I truly believe he cares for his clients and wants to help them make the best possible decisions be it in their investments or insurance coverage. Would recommend anyone to just get in touch with him on any financial advice that they will need and I am sure he would be able to help you make the best decisions you can!
Mr Kingston
Research Technician
I am very grateful to have known Clive and I really appreciate his advice on my current insurance policies. After reviewing my existing insurance policies, he is able to quickly identify the protection gap and recommend suitable policies to bridge this gap. He also went the extra mile to compile a detailed comparison table of various policies and explained which policy is more suitable for me. He is very patient in understanding my concerns and answering any queries that I may have. Would definitely recommend anyone in need of insurance advice to get in touch with Clive!
Mr Glen